Thursday, February 19, 2009

B P O ???????

What is B P O?

BPO stands for Business Process outsourcing. Business Process Outsourcing is the long-term contracting out of non-core business processes to an outside provider to help achieve increased shareholder value. Many IT professionals are familiar with the term business process outsourcing (BPO), but knowing how to distinguish it from other types of outsourcing requires some scrutiny.BPO offers world-class offshore outsourcing and consulting services specializing in IT-enabled services, back office outsourcing services and business process outsourcing solutions from India guaranteed to cut costs and improve quality.
The BPO industry has flourished at a frantic pace in the last few years and companies have ended up with huge savings by being a part of the industry. By outsourcing their back office business processes to cheaper nations like China, India, Philippines, Mexico, South Africa etc companies can cut costs, better concentrate on their core businesses and strengths, ensure better customer satisfaction and in a way get an edge over their competitors. A report suggests that US firms have saved nearly $8 billion through outsourcing to third world nations like India.

Business Process Outsourcing includes the following areas and a lot more

  • Back office operations
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Call Centers and telemarketing
  • Tele-servicing and product support
  • Payroll maintenance
  • Finance / Accounting/billing
  • Human Resources
  • Logistics Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Medical transcription
  • Back Office Operations
  • Insurance Claims Processing
  • Legal database maintenance

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